Harvey Mudd颁发2023年诊所项目里程碑奖


Five organizations are being honored by Harvey Mudd College for participating in its 诊所 Program and for investing in its students and the future of science, 技术, 工程与数学.

NASA的获奖者, 桑迪亚国家实验室, 的构建, Juniper Networks and Tradeweb are sponsors of the 诊所 Program, an internationally recognized hallmark of Harvey Mudd College that engages juniors and seniors in the solution of real-world, 为工业客户解决技术问题. 每年, 40多个机构, many with HMC alumni employees who support the 诊所 Program as liaisons and advisors, work with approximately 250 students to develop solutions to business challenges and push forward the industry standard in research and development or build a working prototype. The business value of the 诊所 outcomes often leads sponsors to return.

The College celebrates returning 诊所 sponsors with the Milestone 奖.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been a 诊所 Program sponsor since 1972, challenging student teams with projects related to space exploration. 随着火星探索的扩大, JPL and NASA are seeking to bring materials from Mars to Earth, 一项有潜在风险的运动. 今年’s 工程 诊所 team built a “safety case” that diagnoses the severity of a range of possible threats to Earth from any returned samples.
桑迪亚国家实验室, a Federally Funded 研究 and Development Center and a contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration, is a premier science and engineering laboratory for national security and 技术 innovation. 实验室正在研究钛酸钡(BTO)。, a ceramic material with many applications in electronics due to its ferroelectric properties. Members of the 工程 诊所 team used density functional theory to perform a computational study on BTO and its interaction with ligands, 比如氢, 水和叔丁基膦酸. 具体地说, they explored the interactions on the titanium dioxide-terminated surface of BTO and explained the effect on the ferroelectric properties of the material.


在其作为诊所赞助商的11年里, 的构建 has provided teams with problems relating to predicting and defending against malicious online attacks. The company uses natural language processing systems to classify and filter out malicious or fraudulent emails. 今年, the 计算机科学 诊所 team sought to improve existing tools to test the ways in which malicious content can evade 的构建’s models while remaining human-readable. They also researched attacks that switch between multiple languages to confuse language models and defenses against these attacks.


计算机网络行业的领导者, Juniper Networks is invested in ensuring the trust in and health of the internet. 计算机科学 诊所 team members investigated the weaknesses of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), a crucial component of the internet routing process whose security is essential to the integrity of the internet. They studied the barriers that have prevented the widespread adoption of the security measure BGP-sec, 比如计算成本和缺乏同行采用.

Tradeweb is a leading global operator of electronic marketplaces for rates, 信贷, 股票和货币市场. Advanced technologies developed by Tradeweb enhance price discovery, order execution and trade workflows while allowing for greater scale and helping to reduce risks in client trading operations. Sweep is a Tradeweb platform that facilitates dealer-to-dealer trade in the wholesale, 固定收益市场. 今年’s 计算机科学 诊所 team sought to understand the current matching engine and design new algorithms to make optimizations to improve matching results. They focused on individual trader happiness, while still aiming to maximize the volume of trade.


Under the guidance of a faculty advisor and a company liaison, students work in teams of four or five to develop solutions to unsolved problems presented by sponsoring organizations. 应用ing their learning in creative ways, HMC students then present their solutions. Companies retain all intellectual property rights that arise out of the project, and it is not uncommon for HMC students to be named on patents. 在2022-2023学年, 学生承担了41个与工程相关的临床项目, 计算机科学, 数学和物理. Several projects also have a social justice or international (Global 诊所) focus. 自1963年以来, Harvey Mudd students have tackled challenging problems in nearly 1,700个诊所项目,超过500个客户, 其中很多都是财富1000强公司. 诊所 has been expanded to other HMC academic departments and copied by institutions worldwide. The National Academy of 工程 recognized the program and three HMC faculty members—Clive L. Dym,米. 麦克·吉尔克森和J. 理查德·菲利普斯(Richard phillips)获得2012年伯纳德·M奖. Gordon Prize for Innovation in 工程 and Technology Education “for creating and disseminating innovations in undergraduate engineering design education to develop engineering leaders.”